Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
Settings for subdirectories (without specified projects) is also possible.
Once a project within the given path is opened, the respective message is displayed.
In this way the administration or standardization department can block the use of certain projects.
The display text is combined from standard text "Product discontinued. Please do not use for new projects." + optional INFOTEXT.
As section name, insert the complete path, beginning with the catalog, down to the desired directory.
[norm/ansi/inch/bolts/binding_screws] ALLOW_OLD=0 CREATENR_OLD=0 EXPORT_OLD=0 INFOTEXT=These parts are not used at our company. If you need those files please contact name@yourCompany.de [_geom_search_imported_02_] ALLOW_OLD=1 CREATENR_OLD=0 EXPORT_OLD=1 INFOTEXT=This catalog should not been used. Please try to avoid using it. If you need those files please contact name@yourCompany.de [norm] INFOTEXT=This catalog is nice!
ALLOW_OLD = (Value range 0 or 1)
0: All parts within the set path are displayed with the icon (if under TREEICONS the value '1' is set [see Section, “General settings”]).
1: When opening the part the following message is displayed:
Product to be discontinued. Please do not use for new projects.
CREATENR_OLD = (Value range 0 or 1)
If set to 0, then, when clicking the button Add dataset to link database an error message is displayed.
INFOTEXT: In addition to the standard message that text appears, which you inserted under INFOTEXT. Compare Fig. „Dialog box "Discontinued part. Display text is standard from ALLOW_OLD=0 + INFOTEXT“.