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Manual  Save search results: in favorites / in file

You have found parts which you often use?

Then select all or some of them (selection via Ctrl key) in the search results and save them under your favorites.

Perhaps you want to pass the results along and/or process in an external program?

Then save the results (with all desired table information) in a text file.

You can find the start commands in form of two icons top left above the search results.

  • Save search results in favorites:

    1. Click on the icon.

      -> The same named dialog box opens. A name (date per default) is already entered. You can change this entry.

      If you only want to save special search results then select these with the Ctrl key and activate the option Only save the selected search results.

    2. Confirm with OK.

      -> The view changes to the Favorites index page.

      From there you can open the desired parts anytime again. Also compare Section, “ Favorites tabbed page ”.

      [Note] Note

      There, you have the same column information available as here (see above e.g. "Size").

  • Save search results in a file:

    1. Click on the icon.

      -> The same named dialog box opens.

      If you only want to save special search results then select these with the Ctrl key and activate the option Only save the selected search results.

    2. At the desired columns activate the checkbox. This information will be overtaken from the search results table.

    3. Confirm with OK.

      -> The Explorer opens.

    4. Determine the storage location.