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6.8.8.  Variable Manager - Buttons

  • New

    If you want to create a new variable, proceed as follows:

    1. Click on New.

      -> The input fields are cleared.

    2. Under Name, enter the new variable's name.

      [Note] Note

      If the variable already exists, it is automatically selected in the list und the single parameters are shown.

    3. Specify all other parameters.

      [Note] Note

      In Designer mode, some input fields (not needed currently) are disabled (grayed out).

    4. Confirm your entries by clicking on the Commit button.

      -> The new variable is added to the list.

  • Commit

    [Note] Note

    If the name already exists, the respective variable is automatically selected in the list and when clicking on Commit the values or settings are adopted. If the name is not yet existing, a new line is created.

  • Rename

    1. Select the desired variable in the list.

    2. Click on the Rename button.

      -> The dialog box Rename variable is opened.

    3. Enter the new variable name.

      [Note] Note

      Only characters and numbers are allowed, all other tokens (e.g. !,“,§,$,%,&,/, etc.) are ignored.

    4. Confirm with OK.

      -> The variable is renamed.

    [Note] Note
    • When renaming variables, variables in equations (calculating the 3d object) are automatically renamed as well!

      So Variables variables can be renamed „globally“.

    • Variable entries under Identification data data or for Description of geometry have to be adjusted accordingly.

  • Delete

    1. Select the desired variable in the list.

    2. Click on the Delete button.

    [Note] Note
    • However, deleting is only possible, if all design elements which have been created with the help of this variable, have been deleted before. So variables which are used in the sketch, cannot be deleted. In such a case the following message is displayed: Variable is still in use..

    • Entries of this variable under Identification data or Description of geometry have to be adjusted accordingly.