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Manual  Block [CreationOptions] - Options for Layer and Shape settings

Here you can find general information on the layer concept.

[Note] Note

As of PARTsolutions version 9.08 the concept for layer and shape configuration has been changed. It is not possible to use the configuration file from older versions.

[Note] Note

In the block [CreationOptions] you can find two basically different types of keys:

  • Keys for the layer configuration

    Part of the key name is always "Layer".

    Layers not existing in AutoCAD are created in AutoCAD according to the defaults of the configuration file. (Layer settings of AutoCAD have priority over layer settings of the configuration file.)

  • Keys for the shape configuration

    Part of the key name is always "Shape".

    Via settings in the "Shape" sections the default values on AutoCAD layers can be overridden.

In the following the setting options for the Layer configuration and the Shape configuration are separately explained.