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4.12.3.  User-Role assignment

Each user gets assigned at least one role. The assignment is performed under category User -> dialog area User-Role assignment.

  1. In the dialog area User, select a user.

  2. In the dialog area Roles, activate those roles which you like to assign to the respective user.

[Note] Note

Multiple selection is possible.

If a user has got several roles assigned, at login in PARTdataManager, the dialog box Select role opens.[79] Furthermore you can call the window anytime in the ERP toolbar via button Select group . In this dialog box, the assigned roles are listed.

Sequence of roles

The sequence of roles in the dialog box Select role is according to the sequence in the dialog under User-Role assignment -> Roles.

You can change the sequence of the displayed roles, if desired.

Therefor mark the role and move it with pressed mouse button to the desired position.

Control role selection via system variable

The role selection can be controlled via a system variable as well. The desired role is automatically selected during the login process, whether or not the user is validly configured for this role or has more than one role to select from. More information can be found under Section, “ plinkcommon.cfg -> Block [Common] -> Key "CADENAS_PRESELECT_LINKDB_GROUP" - Role selection by environment variable ”.

[79] How to set up image and description text of each single role can be found under Section, “ Dialog box for role selection - plinkgroups.cfg -> Block [Role name] -> Keys "DESC" and "IMAGE" ”.