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Manual  Tabbed page "PARTlinkManager preferences"
"Configure" Dialogfenster with opened tabbed page "PARTlinkManager preferences"

"Configure" Dialogfenster with opened tabbed page "PARTlinkManager preferences"

The dialog window is divided in the following areas:

  • Set row color

  • Group definitions

  • Adjust table values

  • Modify column display

In the Variable DB column you can see column names how they are applied to the database.

New applied columns get the same name as PARTsolutions internal variable name (Variable column) as default-value, by which they are applied to database, too.

[Note] Note

This name could be changed user-defined, but it is not recommended.

Pay attention, that exactly this name is used for all operations within PARTlinkManager and PARTadmin.  Set row color

Define Condition: e.g. ERP_PDM_NUMBER=' ' (blank) (default)

Those datasets, which have no entry in the „ERP_PDM_NUMBER“ field, are displayed in rot in the PARTlinkManager.

Define Color: Click on the color and change it in the "Color" window.  Modify column display

In the Modify column display dialog area all Link table columns are listed underneath each other and can be configured in this view.

See Section 4.9, “ Modify column display - plinkcommon.cfg -> Block [LINKDBFIELDS] - ”. Column position in PARTlinkManager

Click in the respective line and move it upwards or downwards.