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Manual  Geometrical search index

Geometrical search index -> Create/Update

Open the directory tree at the desired place to see the icons.

The current index state is signalized by icons:

Geometric search index is outdated:

Disadvantages at an deprecated index are a) less search speed and b) less result quality.

Use the context menu command Geometrical search index -> Create/Update.

Geometric search index available:

You have optimal search speed and result quality.

Geometric search index is missing:

Use the context menu command Geometrical search index -> Create/Update.

By clicking on the context menu command Geometrical search index -> Create/Update the settings dialog for the geometrical search index opens.

Geometric search index settings Search index, geometricsettings

Geometric search index settings

  • Minimum number of lines to index per table

    • Percentual fraction

      A high percentage value lengthens calculation time for large tables.

      [Note] Note

      Default setting is 100%, because this function is primarily used for own parts catalogs.

      When you create the geometric search index for standard or supplier catalogs, then please change the value to 1 % ! The generation with 100% can take some time depending on catalog.

    • Absolute fraction

      So that for small tables there are enough rows indexed, enter the absolute number.

    Calculation example 1: 10 rows, Percentual fraction: 10, Absolute fraction: 3 -> 3 rows are created

    Calculation example 2: 10 rows, Percentual fraction: 20, Absolute fraction: 1 -> 2 rows are created

    Always the larger of the two values is used. The time for the generation and the amount of storage space needed for the fingerprints on the hard drive is approximately proportional to the number of rows.

  • Geometric fingerprints

    • Update

      If only some new parts have been added and no new parts changed, an Update is sufficient.

      In fingerprints the date of change is saved so that a fingerprint can be overwritten when the project has been changed. In other words it is not necessary to recreate the fingerprints.

    • Create from scratch

      For a CIP installation it is not necessary to create the geometric fingerprints again. These are always available with catalogs delivered by CADENAS.

      Use this command, if you want to index own parts.

    • Always recreate fingerprints for outdated algorithms

      If there are changes concerning an algorithm and this option is activated, then the fingerprints for this algorithm are created anew. If this option is deactivated, then the search works, however possible enhancements are missing.

[Note] Note

Problem: If files cannot be loaded by any reason (e.g. failed mesh reduction or corrupt file), then at next update there will be an anew attempt to generate missing fingerprints.

This may slow down the fingerprint generation considerably.

Solution: Save files with failed fingerprint generation in a CSV file named ignore.csv. These files will excluded from further generation processes as long as the STL date does not change.

The file has to be stored in the geo index directory of catalog.



At least the two columns PROJECT and LINEID have to exist. All other columns are ignored. Fields are separated by semicolon and quoted by double quotes. The PROJECT field must contain the path relative to the catalog root using slashes.

In order to create the respective CSV file do the following:

  1. Call dialog Manage fingerprints.

  2. Open dialog Export Options by clicking on Export ... and there, activate the option Fingerprints not available.

[Note] Note

For the Partial search the standard creation of the Geometrical search index is not sufficient!

On this see under Section, “ Geometrical search index for Partial search ”.

[Note] Note

To be able to search for topological measures of length topological measures of length, after a software update you have to update the Geometrical search index (after this the full-text search index).

On this see under Section, “ Update Full-text search index (and Geometrical search index) for finding topological values via Full-text search ”.

[Note] Note

The function Geometrical search index -> Create/Update is similar to Manage fingerprints.

However, here you can only generate.

A statistical evaluation is only displayed at Manage fingerprints. This however can take a lot of time depending on catalog size.

Especially for own part catalogs the geometrical search index can be generated afterwards. At supplier catalogs the geometrical search index is already pregenerated, however, not with the current software version, which results in functional losses. Also see Section, “Dependencies between software update and update of Geometrical search index ”. Dependencies between software update and update of Geometrical search index

Because Geometrical search index updates are very time consuming, here is more detailed information:

If you made an update from V10 to V11 (major release) or an update of service pack (V11 SP0 to >=SP4), you should update the Geometrical search index. For all other combinations you have to check the features if it’s important for a specific customer (see list below).

If you use Geometric search (3D)/ Topology search also for PARTsolutions catalogs (not only native customer catalogs), you should update the Geometrical search index in PARTadmin for all catalogs. If you only install a new update of a catalog (new cip), the fixes will not be active because CIPs are generated with an older PARTsolutions release and so your PARTsolutions installation doesn’t fit together with the installed Geometrical search index. Basically Geometric search (3D)/ Topology search will work, but not as good as it could be with updated Geometrical search index with all the improvements and the fixed topics.

-> So for native geosearch catalogs this is ok, because the Geometrical search index will be updated with the installed version at customer. So he will always get the correct index.

But if you update or install PARTsolutions catalogs from time to time you will get the old Geometrical search index again. So you have to update the Geometrical search index manually after the updates again.

Listing of V11 features where updating of Geometrical search index is relevant:

For SP0 and SP4 generation of indexes is recommended, for SP3 only if respective features shall really be used.

  • SP0

    • Slot pattern (#21360)

    • Cone (#69601)

    • Elongated Cylinder + Pattern (#21357, #69599)

    • Cylinder length (#22747)

    • Partial Search (#65509)

    • Enhanced search for hole type (#80169)

    • Mirrored parts (#19270)

    • Symmetry for very small parts (#81659)

  • SP3

    • Rectangular Slot + Pattern (#82467, #87075)

    • Enhancement for Partial Search for planes (#93329, #92155)

    • New Algo for Sketch Search (#76893)

  • SP4

    • New Color Search (#29307)

    • Enhancement for Rectangular Slot Patterns (#93133)

    • Ignore cylinder length at Partial Search (#93371)

    • Bigger rebuild to accelerate index generation (#95567)

    • INCH problems when searching for holes (#99173)

    • Enhancement of performance for Partial Search (#99657)  Manage fingerprints

With Manage fingerprints, on the one hand you can check whether your catalog contains the desired fingerprints and on the other hand subsequently perform changes.

[Note] Note

In order to have all new features available, an up-to-date index is required. If the index is obsolete, up-to-date fingerprints won't help either! (A V10 index does not support all V11 features.)

In this case the function under Geometrical search index -> Create/Update has to be used. See above.



In the following, procedure and dialogs are explained:

  1. Mark the desired catalog or any sub-directory.

    Call: Manage fingerprints

    Call: Manage fingerprints

  2. By right-clicking, open the context menu and click on Manage fingerprints.

    -> The Display options for fingerprint list dialog opens.

    Display options for fingerprint list

    Display options for fingerprint list

    You now have the following options to check off:

    • Consider hidden projects

    • Only show fingerprints for selected templates

      If you do not activate the checkbox, the fingerprints for all templates will be checked.

      Otherwise only fingerprints for the activated templates. (Multiple selection possible with CTRL key) Templates that you do not use, can thus be ignored during the check.

      • Fast search

      • Fast search (size-dependent)

      • Standard search

      • Standard search (size-dependent)

      • Broad search

      • Broad search (size-dependent)

      • Search by Sketch (monochrome)

      • Sketch search (color)

      • Search for profiles

      • Search for profiles (size-dependent)

      • Duplicate search

      • Duplicate search (size-dependent)

      • Color Search

    • Compute statistics for directories (Takes some time)

      If you activate the checkbox, a selection option is activated.

      For the calculation of the directory statistics, select one of the following three options:

      Project is considered complete in directory statistics...

      • ... Only if all lines are available

      • ... If minimum percentage existing

      • ... If all lines or minimum number existing

      See next point for more details.

  3. Click OK.

    -> The dialog box Existing fingerprints opens with a listing of all desired directories and projects.

    If you had activated the option Compute statistics for directories (Takes some time), then behind the project names statistics are displayed, otherwise this column remains empty. Once you select a row on the left side, on the right side the single characteristics with algorithms are displayed. The activation state of checkboxes shows, whether the respective algorithm is available.

    Now you can open single directories down to project level and check for possibly missing fingerprints/algorithms.

    Existing fingerprints: Dialog without statistics

    Existing fingerprints: Dialog without statistics

    Existing fingerprints: Dialog with statistics. In this exemplary figure all projects are identified as complete (see left), although many characteristics do not contain fingerprints (see right). This is because each project has the minimum percentage of rows with calculated fingerprints.

    Existing fingerprints: Dialog with statistics. In this exemplary figure all projects are identified as complete (see left), although many characteristics do not contain fingerprints (see right). This is because each project has the minimum percentage of rows with calculated fingerprints.

    The background colors green, yellow, red and blue give a faster overview of the completeness of the elements.

    A line is considered as complete if each algorithm exists. For the coloring of the projects and directories, it is checked, if all requirements of the previous dialog are met.

    Element complete

    The respective row (characteristic) has all algorithms, thus is considered as complete.

    When a project is considered as complete depends on which option had been chosen in the options dialog (see above).

    Element incomplete: Not all available algorithms are used for the respective row (characteristic).

    Element missing: No algorithms are available for the respective row (characteristic).

    Element deprecated: Deprecated algorithms are used for the respective row (characteristic).

    [Note] Note

    Example with 2 projects:

    1st project has 3 rows, for all 3 fingerprints are available => 100%

    2nd project has 4 rows, for 3 fingerprints are available => 75%

    The following list shows, at which selection, which projects are considered as "complete".

    • Selection: Only if all lines are available -> Result: 1. Project is considered as available, 2nd not.

    • Selection: If minimum percentage existing - 50%: -> Result: Both projects are considered as available.

    • Selection: If minimum percentage existing - 80%: -> Result: The first project is considered as available.

    • Selection: If minimum number existing - 3: -> Result: Both are considered is as available, since for both 3 are there.

    • Selection: If minimum number existing - 100: -> Result: 1st project is considered as available, since all rows are available.

    If you had activated the option Compute statistics for directories (Takes some time), in the dialog box Existing fingerprints at the very top a statistic encompassing all projects is displayed in addition.

    • Ratio of existing projects: When a project is considered complete depends on which values you selected in the option dialog. (See details above)

    • Ratio of complete lines: How man projects contain fingerprints for all rows?

    • Number of existing algorithms: How many algorithms across all projects (corresponding to the initial directory and template selection!) contain fingerprints?

  4. Add missing fingerprints

    Optionally, you can add missing fingerprints.

    Once the checkbox is activated, the respective dialog area is displayed in addition.

    Dialog box "Existing fingerprints": Dialog area "Add missing fingerprints" shown

    Dialog box "Existing fingerprints": Dialog area "Add missing fingerprints" shown

    Reasons for subsequent adding of fingerprints could be for example:

    • For special company-internal processes you want to increase the percental number of rows with fingerprints for special projects in order to improve the result quality during the geometric search.

    • In later catalog versions new algorithms were added and you want to recreate the fingerprints again.

    Do the following:

    1. Mark the desired projects or directories in the top of the directory tree (multiple selection possible with CTRL key).

    2. Click on Add.

      -> In the Select projects dialog area, the selection is shown.

    3. Choose lines and algorithms

      Algorithms: For the desired ones, mark the checkbox.

      Percentage: For the first fingerprint creation, "10%" is usually used.

      You may now adjust this value accordingly.

      Absolute fraction: For the first fingerprint creation, "3" is usually used.

      You may now adjust this value accordingly.

  5. Click OK.

    If the option Add missing fingerprints has been deactivated, the dialog box is closed without any further actions.

    If the option Add missing fingerprints has been activated, the generation starts. The progress bar in the dialog box Index update shows the progress.

    After successful generation of the fingerprints the message Geometric search index has been updated is displayed.

    In this example the fingerprints for a project in the directory "head cap bolts" have been created.

    In this example the fingerprints for a project in the directory "head cap bolts" have been created.  Create partition map

Geometrical search index -> Create partition map

This special index generation is needed for the search result list in PARTdataManager. In the view mode Partition Map this special index generation is needed.

Create partition map

Create partition map

Display mode "Partition Map" in PARTdataManager

Display mode "Partition Map" in PARTdataManager