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7.8.9.  Variable Manager - The individual parameters

[Note] Note

Created parameters are listed in table form. In the context menu of each column header, you can adjust the view. By default, the parameters Type, Value resolved, DIN-ID, Set VIDA and VIDA Precision, are not displayed.

[Note] Note

When selecting the option Only in geometry for the creation of an new variable () under Save location, then only the fields Name, Description and Equation are activated, all others are grayed out, because they are not needed for the creation of a simple model (at the moment).

(The same applies when selecting an existing variable, which had been created with Save location "Only in geometry" .

The following listing explains all possible parameters.

  • Name (mandatorily at each option of save location): Enter the variable name.

    [Note] Note
    • In PARTdesigner, complex equations can also be used for the specification of variables. In order to keep equations concise, Variable names should be preferably short. The maximum length of a variable is 10 characters.

    • Umlauts (ö,ä,ü) and special characters are not to be used!

    • Capital letters must be used. I.e., if you wrote a capital “L“ as well as a small “l” within your variable templates, you have to distinguish them as e.g. “L1“ and “L2“!

    The token entered in this field is displayed in PARTdataManager, in the column header of the table.

  • Description (mandatorily at each option of save location): Due to the limitation of variable names to 10 characters, you can add extensive text in the field Description, which will ease the identification.

    The content of the field Description is displayed in PARTdataManager, in the subtitle of column headers. When moving the mouse over a column header, the full text is displayed in a tooltip. In the column header itself only a limited width is available.

  • Save location (has to be filled out mandatorily): The chosen mode can be recognized by color.

    • Only in geometry: Data is saved in the 3db file.

      If no Value ranges and no Attribute algorithms are needed and no specific settings like Identification type, for example, shall be set, this option is sufficient.

    • Only in table: Data is saved in the tab/tac file.

      The Table mode is needed in order to create Table, Value ranges and Attribute algorithms.

    • In geometry and table: Data is saved both in tab/tac file and in 3db file.

      If variables have only been created with option Only in geometry in a first step, just to use them for the creation of the model, later it will become necessary to save them in the tab/tac file in addition, to link them with the table and so to "fill" them dynamically.

      If only the table is created in a first step, it is sufficient just to save the variables with option Only in table. Later those variables, which are used for the creation of the model (in the sketcher), have also to be saved in the 3db file.

      Therefor use the option In geometry and table. Then data is saved both in the 3db file and in the tab/tac file.

    [Note] Note

    You can change the Mode anytime. Just select the variable and then change the Save location in the list field. Finally click Commit.

    Detailed information on the different modes of Save location can be found under Section 7.8.10, “ Save location: Only in geometry | Only in table | In geometry and table ”.

    [Tip] Tip

    Under Extras menu-> Settings... -> PARTdesigner -> Variablemanager colors you can determine the colors to be used.

  • DIN / ISO-ID (only for Save location " Only in table" or " In geometry and table"):

    The DIN-ID contains the dimension letter from the dimensional and/or product standard. For the Nominal diameter of a screw, for example, it may be D1. Dimension letters such as Greek letters (alpha for example), can be written out as a word.

    [Note] Note

    This entry is optional.

  • Unit (only for Save location " Only in table" or " In geometry and table"):

    Unit used as standard for this variable. As long as no changes have been made, mm is automatically displayed.

    The content of the field Unit is carried over in the subtitles of column headers of the table.

    [Note] Note

    This entry is optional. Neither is it absolutely necessary to define a unit if data type Number is set.

  • Data type (only for Save location " Only in table" or " In geometry and table"): Display in table column D.

    • Text:

      Text is practical in the case of expressions, which have to enclose all characters. However, text variables may not be used for calculation.

    • Integer:

      The setting Integer only allows numerical values. It has to be used for variables, whose values are part of calculations.

      [Note] Note

      The display in the table is an integer value. Values <= .5 are displayed rounded down, values > .5 rounded up.

      For calculations the true decimal is used.

    • Decimal number:

      The setting Decimal number only allows numerical values. It has to be used for variables, whose values are part of calculations.

  • Identification type (only for Save location "Only in table" or "In geometry and table"): Display in table column Type.

    The distinction between different types of attributes especially makes sense for the ERP/PDM integration!

    Details on this can be found under Section 7.8.13, “ Identification type ”.

  • Status (only for Save location " Only in table" or " In geometry and table"): Display in table column V.

    Types of status:

    • Variable with fixed values (standard setting)

      Data are saved in the respective *.tab file. Table values can directly be edited in the PARTdesigner user interface.

    • Attribute algorithm

      A variable's value can directly be calculated by a so-called attribute algorithm.

      Dependencies/conditions between variables can be expressed by attribute algorithms.

      Example: „If D1=12, then D2=D3“. In this case you have to use an attribute algorithm.

      How to create attribute algorithms is explained under Section 7.8.11, “ Attribute algorithms ”.

    • Different options for value range variable:

      • Value range variable

      • Value range variable with naming

      • Value range variable with graphics

      Variables with values inside a defined range, for example „10 to 20“, or with an enumeration of values, have status Value range variable.

      How to define value ranges can be read under Section 7.8.12, “ Value ranges ”.

    [Note] Note

    If using Status "Attribute algorithm" or one of the three Value range variable options, the corresponding table variable/column can be shown or hidden via icon Show attribute algorithms or icon Show value range .

  • Digits (only for Save location " Only in table" or " In geometry and table"): Display in table column VIDA Precision [81].

    [Note] Note

    Only active, if under Data type, the option Decimal number had been chosen.

    In this field you can determine the displayed decimal places.

    If under Status, the option Attribute algorithm or an option with value range variable (Value range variable, Value range variable with naming, Value range variable with graphics) is selected, the specification of decimal places (Display under VIDA Precision) is optional [82]. At these options, you can activate or deactivate the display of decimal places by checkbox.

    [Note] Note

    If decimal places are set, the table column Set VIDA shows the entry "true".

    If under Status, the option Variable with fixed values is selected, the checkbox is grayed out and the specification of decimal places is mandatory. The table column Set VIDA shows the entry "true".



    The display shows 3 decimal places. 5 is ignored.

  • Equation (mandatorily at each option of Save location): Display in table column Value.

    [Note] Note

    In the Table, in the respective column, always resolved values are displayed, in contrast to the Variable Manager where the original value is shown under Value.

    However, you can additionally display the Value resolved column in the Variable Manager in order to see these values here, too.

    Under Equation, enter the desired variable value.

    This can be a fixed value or content dependent from other variables (2*D1, D1+D2, etc.).

    [Note] Note

    Decimal values have to be set with point (wrong: 6,5 / correct: 6.5).

    Complex functions can also be used. On this see under Section, “Mathematical functions (Attribute algorithm) ”.

[Note] Note

Changes are saved by clicking on Commit.

Changed parameters are displayed in bold font, as long as you saved by clicking Commit.

If you want to restore the original state, change the line without clicking Commit.

[81] VIDA visualization depiction. eCATALOGsolutions only uses this for decimal numbers, for the display of decimal places.

According to DIN V 4000 Norm, which is used for tables, VIDA is optional for attribute algorithms and value ranges. See option Set VIDA (checkbox under Digits).

Set VIDA means the number of decimal places at decimal numbers.

[82] According to DIN V 4000 Norm, which is used for tables, VIDA is optional for attribute algorithms and value ranges.