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Manual NX: Routing Electrical

The NX interface supports Routing Electrical features. PARTsolutions parts accordingly classified (see Section, “Classification of Electrical Connections [CNS_CP|4|3])”) have their multiports marked with the double arrow symbol (just like parts manually created in NX).

On the part of PARTsolutions Anchor points [58] are classified as Mounting Points (see Section, “Classify Mounting Points (Mounting Point [CNS_CP|4|6] and Mounting Description [CNS_CP|4|7])”). Currently[59] the classification information is not yet set in NX.

Part in PARTdesigner with connection points

Part in PARTdesigner with connection points

Part in NX with multiports

Part in NX with multiports

[58] Anchor point is the point where the part is mounted in an assembly by default.

[59] Nov. 2020