powered by CADENAS


Manual Error source 3 - Wrong configuration of interface

When exporting in the formats ZUKEN_CLX_XML and ZUKEN_CLX_MDB, specific files are required, which are referenced in the interface file ifm3d_zuken.cfg. For various reasons it may be that the referenced files cannot be found. In this case an error message will display during export.

The required files are divided into two groups:

  1. Files stored under $CADANAS/iface/zuken, by default (interface files): These files are basically needed both for the export with ZUKEN_CLX_XML format and with ZUKEN_CLX_MDB format.

    Referenced interface files

    Referenced interface files

    Respective error message during export of ZUKEN_CLX_XML if above files cannot be found.

    Respective error message during export of ZUKEN_CLX_XML if above files cannot be found.

  2. Zuken database files of the type template_<...>.mdb: These files are only required for the export with ZUKEN_CLX_MDB format.

    Example showing referenced database files. The installation directory may be very different!

    Example showing referenced database files. The installation directory may be very different!

    Respective error message during export of ZUKEN_CLX_MDB if above files cannot be found.

    Respective error message during export of ZUKEN_CLX_MDB if above files cannot be found.

Trouble shooting for the a) case

To solve the error please check the key paths in PARTadmin under ifm3d_zuken.cfg in the block PATHS to make sure that the folder $CADENAS/iface/zuken exists and the files shown in Fig. „Referenced interface files“ really exist. A common error case exists if $CADENAS points to a central server where there is no writing access from the local working place and the files had not been stored there correctly. A solution can be to store the required files at any location and then configure the paths in ifm3d_zuken.cfg under $SITESETUP accordingly.

  1. Store the zuken folder with the interface files on the local C: drive.

  2. Create a folder SITESETUP or use an already existing one.

  3. Via Explorer copy the interface file ifm3d_zuken.cfg there.

  4. Open PARTadmin and there the just created file.

  5. Open block PATHS.

  6. Adjust the paths.

    PATHS configuration entries: Here in this example the paths have been explicitly changed to C:/Zuken.

    PATHS configuration entries: Here in this example the paths have been explicitly changed to C:/Zuken.

Trouble shooting for the b) case

This is an error which can never occur in ZUKEN_CLX_XML mode, but only in ZUKEN_CLX_MDB mode. It occurs if the module CLX.exe provided by Zuken cannot find the required input MDBs. The paths for these databases have to be according to the local installation and are defined in the configuration file ifm3d_zuken.cfg, in the block CLX_PATHS. The respective files are mandatory for the ZUKEN_CLX_MDB mode. Otherwise the process will be terminated with an error message.

Entries of CLX_PATHS

Entries of CLX_PATHS

The trouble shooting is analogously to error case a). However, in this case the files referenced in the block CLX_PATHS have to be considered.