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3.5.5. LOD

For architectural / BIM catalogs the topic LOD is especially important - parallel to the known mechanical LODs high / medium / low for AEC / BIM an own system is existing with the schema 100 / 200 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 500 / ... – based on the development phases (Level of Development) in the building industry.

LOD control variables

  • When creating a new project, please use the template Template for 3D project with LOD

    as of V10 SP10 to V11 SP2

    as of V10 SP10 to V11 SP2

    or Template for 3D project with LOD (AEC – Z-axis on top) (default Architecture) / Template for 3D project with LOD (MEC – Y-axis on top) (default Mechanical).

    as of V11 SP3

    as of V11 SP3

    In doing so the LOD control variables are created in PARTdesigner „by default“ and later will be available in PARTdataManager.

    • LODDEST (Function attribute)

    • LODLEVEL (Function attribute)

    • LODLEVELX (Function attribute)

    Variable Manager with LODDEST, LODLEVEL, LODLEVELX

    Variable Manager with LODDEST, LODLEVEL, LODLEVELX

    PARTdataManager example

    PARTdataManager example

  • If an existing project should be extended with the LOD control variables, please right-click on the project / folder in PARTproject and run the command Automation -> Add LOD Variables.

    In the following window you can select which LOD levels should be set up for mechanical or architectural target systems.

    Further below in this document you will find assistance if you are not yet familiar with the selection of LOD levels.

    [Note] Note

    Details on this can be found under Section, “ Add LOD Variables ”.

Via both ways in the project table, the two LOD control variables LODDEST and LODLEVEL will be available:

  • With the variable LODDEST at first the primary target market can be selected

  • Depending on this, the value range LODLEVEL will show the known levels high / medium / low from mechanical market or the stages 100-500 from the architectural branch (depending on how many stages were set up).

  • In the further creation process, the modeler has to connect the different detailed models with the corresponding LOD stage by himself. This will happen with known and existing eCAT features.

  • The LOD*** algorithms, which also will be added automatically in the project table, have to remain untouched.

    [Note] Note

    Identification type is automatically set to Function attribute and must not be changed!

[Note] Note

CADENAS has decided because of technical reasons to go for this new LOD concept (using value ranges). The “old” LOD functionality (button in the toolbar) will now longer be focussed and be removed in the software during next releases.

Definition of the LOD stages

The LOD definition is a very big knowledge and discussion field. It is not target of this guideline to give an overload of information – instead of it a very simple instruction / imagination shall be given on how to set up the LOD levels for MEC / AEC.

Source: https://bimforum.org/lod

Source: https://bimforum.org/lod

  • No 3D representation

  • Representation only via 2D drawing

  • Drawing format must be 2DB

  • Representation as bounding box, e.g. cylinder or cuboid

  • Representation as a simple 3D model, without internal geometry, negative solids or cosmetic elements (like e.g. labels)

  • Equals the typical, mechanical LOD Low

AEC LOD 350 = MEC LOD Medium
  • Representation as medium-detailed 3D model, simple cut-bodies are allowed

  • No cosmetic elements or labels

  • Equals the typical, mechanical LOD Medium

AEC LOD 400 = MEC LOD High
  • Representation as high-detailed 3D model, cut-bodies and cosmetic elements are allowed

  • equals the typical, mechanical LOD High

AEC LOD 500 / 600 / 700
  • LOD stages higher than 400 are not specified from CADENAS yet

[Note] Note

Usually / in the today’s familiar part selection process, the user selected only one LOD stage for his purpose and exported it. In the future BIM process, it will be required, that all LOD stages are exported at once as a “package”. But this functionality is not yet available (02/2017).