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Manual  Add LOD Variables

In Architecture / BIM catalogs the issue LOD has special importance. In parallel to the stages High / Medium / Low known from the „Mechanical“ field, here, a separate schema in the form of 100 / 200 / 300 / 350 / 400 / 500 is used.

[Note] Note

In Architecture field, parts should be equipped with a specific LOD schema. Absolutely, please have a look on Section 3.5.5, “LOD ”.

[Note] Note

Once parts have been equipped with Architecture LOD variables, in PARTdataManager, Level of Detail should not be set via toolbar icons

Toolbar icons for Level of Detail

Toolbar icons for Level of Detail

, but via table variables LODDEST and LODLEVEL.

Preferably hide the toolbar icons by using the respective configuration file. On this please see Section 1.7.9, “Optimize user interface ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.

  1. In PARTproject, on catalog, directory or project level click on the command Add LOD Variables.

    [Note] Note

    The command only takes effect when the project is indexed.

    -> The dialog box Add LOD Variables is opened.

  2. Activate the checkbox at the desired variables and confirm with Ok.

    Thereby in PARTdesigner, the following variables are automatically set:

    • LODDEST (Function attribute)

    • LODLEVEL (Function attribute)

    • LODLEVELX (Function attribute)

      Example: The attribute algorithm is created according to the selection before. Here exemplarily for the display of "high" and "low" or "400" and "300".

      IF (LODDEST.EQ.'mechanical')THEN LODLEVELX = '''high'', ''High'',''low'',''Low'''
       ELSEIF(LODDEST.EQ.'architecture') THEN LODLEVELX = '''300'',''300'',''400'',''400'''
       ELSE LODLEVELX = '''-'',''-'''ENDIF

  3. Create a variable with respective attribute algorithm for the version of 3D model to be used.

    Variable for version of 3db model (here exemplarily named "VERS")

    Variable for version of 3db model (here exemplarily named "VERS")

    The attribute algorithm controls at which value of LODLEVEL which 3db model has to be loaded.



  4. Now with the same variable (here exemplarily "VERS"), create variants under PARTproject -> tabbed page 3D project -> dialog area Variants and assign the desired 3db models to the variants.

    Variant 1 assigned

    Variant 1 assigned

    Variant 2 assigned

    Variant 2 assigned

  5. Call PARTdataManager.

    -> Set the Level of Detail in the table, in the value range field LODLEVEL.

    LODDEST "Architecture"

    LODDEST "Architecture"

    LODDEST "Architecture"

    LODDEST "Architecture"

    LODDEST "Mechanical"

    LODDEST "Mechanical"

    LODDEST "Mechanical"

    LODDEST "Mechanical"