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Manual Translation per CSV file

In order to make the PARTproject Translation tables available for external purposes (e.g. translation agencies), you can save them as *.CSV files [27].

The *:CSV file can then be opened and edited with a text editor or in MS Excel / OpenOffice.org Calc. Define catalog language

Mark your catalog in the directory tree and fill out the fields Catalog created in the language and Catalog available in the languages on the General tabbed page.

Catalog languages

Catalog languages

Then right-click Export CSV for translation in the directory tree.

--> The Create CSV for translation window opens.  Export CSV for translation

In the context menu of the catalog to translate click on Translation -> Export CSV for translation.

Export CSV for translation

Export CSV for translation

On the Create CSV for translation dialog page carry out the desired settings.

Create CSV for translation

Create CSV for translation

  • Folder with projects

    The marked directory is automatically entered.

  • CSV file

    Via Browse ... determine the target directory for the CSV file.

  • Separator

    Enter which Separator is to be used to separate the column values. As a default, comma and quotation marks have been entered.

  • Languages

    Select the source language and one or more (if all are located on the same codepage) target languages.

Confirm the creation of the CSV file with OK. Edit CSV file

Open the translation file (saved as CSV file in PARTproject) in the desired editor (e.g. MS Excel, OpenOffice.org, Calc or any other CSV editor of your choice).

Translation file opened in Excel

Translation file opened in Excel

The first row shows the different types of terms.

The following table explains the individual types:

Type Description Appearance
LINA Bill of material name PARTdataManager (Title row in table window), PARTbom, ERP and PDM systems
NB Standard name PARTdataManager (title row in the 3-D window), Feature Tree of CAD System, CAD System's Pool, PARTserver
VAR Variable description In the PARTdataManager table header under the variables
VAL Description text in value range field

PARTdataManager table

(If value range fields (yellow fields) contain translatable texts (e.g. "with" / "without")

ASY[a] Assembly description  
PRJ[b] NN and NT of a project if no table is contained Index tree in PARTdataManager (e.g. "Copyright")
NN Standard number Index tree in PARTdataManager (e.g. "DIN 933")
NT Standard title Index tree in PARTdataManager (e.g. "Hexagon bolt")
DIR Directory name Index tree in PARTdataManager, directory name

[a] Usually does not contain translatable terms and needs only to be translated if it makes sense. Terms such as "rb_rotary_asm_cfg" for example, do not need to be translated.

[b] Usually does not contain translatable terms and needs only to be translated if it makes sense.

[Tip] Tip

In Excel (for example) choose the filter function and only show one type or sort according to type. Only edit one type.

Note the following during translating:

[Important] Important

  • Never change the header (row 1)

  • Never change columns "Type" and "Standard".

  • Never translate between dollar ($) and period (.), since this is a variable name.

    Correct example:

    Language Translation
    german Grundplatte $BESTNR.($VERSB.) $AUSFUEHRUNG.
    english Bottom Plate $BESTNR.($VERSB.) $AUSFUEHRUNG.

[Important] Important

Save the table in the same format in which you received the file and close it.

Name the file type if applicable in Windows Explorer to *.csv.

Start PARTproject in order to import the translation file.  Import CSV for translation
  1. Right-click your catalog and choose the function Import CSV for translation.

    Import CSV for translation

    Import CSV for translation

    -> The Read and translate CSV window opens.

  2. The previously exported CSV files can be imported into the PARTproject language table.

    Define the same settings for Export CSV for translation.

    If you deactivate a language, it will not be translated.

    Confirm with OK.

    Read and translate CSV

    Read and translate CSV

[27] CSV = comma separated values