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Manual Block [VariableSearch]  Keys "FieldPriorizations" und "SynonymFieldPriorizationMultiplicator" - Full-text search: Prioritization of fields to be search through

The priority of fields to search can be set under $(CADENAS_USER)/varsearch.cfg.

Normally the default settings don't have to be adjusted (but can optionally).

If a field shall not be searched, then remove the specific statement from the value range.

If a field shall get a higher prioritization, then set a higher value (1000 for example).

"orderno" is the field for the order number defined in eCAT.

Don't change CNS_SEARCHDATA.

The explicit stating of the path is not possible yet.


The synonym search uses the same settings as above, however with the factor stated here. The default value of 0.3 says that hits, which result form the synonym search have lower priority than direct hits.
