powered by CADENAS


Manual Always get informed about updates

  • PARTupdate messages

    By double-clicking on the symbol in the task bar, the PARTupdate short info opens.

    You can now see the number of catalogs that can be downloaded and which updates are readily available for you.

    How often and what was checked can be configured (only updates or new catalogs).

    PARTupdate short info

    PARTupdate short info

  • E-mail notifications

    Get notified of catalog updates per e-mail. Thus you always know what is new.

    1. To do this, go on the download page under www.cadenas.de -> Service -> Download/Update -> update -> v9 -> catalogs.

    2. If you want to activate all catalogs in the selection, click on activate e-mail notifications for all listed directories. (Below this you will see the command for deactivating.)

      In order to receive an e-mail notification for individual catalogs, activate the checkbox at the right of each of your desired catalogs.

    [Note] Note

    The e-mail notification option is only displayed, when you are logged in.