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Manual  Copy (only sketch)

Via Copy (only sketch) you can copy a sketch and purposely insert it into the 3D view one of the planes of the extrusion body or rotational body.[36]

Do the following:

  1. Click on the history of the sketch feature to be copied.

  2. In the context menu select Copy (only sketch).

    Copy (only sketch)

    Copy (only sketch)

  1. -> The outline of the sketch is marked in color.

    Copy sketch onto another plane

    Copy sketch onto another plane

  1. Mark the plane on which you want to insert the sketch by clicking on it.

  2. In the context menu, select the command Paste sketch (Sketch ...).

    Copy sketch onto another plane

    Copy sketch onto another plane

  1. By clicking on the respective axes, align the coordinate system properly.

  2. In the context menu, select the command Choose coordinate system.

    Align coordinate system

    Align coordinate system

  1. --> The Sketcher opens



  2. Confirm the sketch by clicking on Accept changes .

    -> The 2-D Sketcher is closed.

  3. -> The sketch is now inserted.

    Sketch copied

    Sketch copied

[36] As of V9 rotational bodies are possible as well.