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Manual Further actions in the "Geometric search (3D)" dialog box

In the Seamless dialog box click on the icon Geometric search (3D).

-> The same-named dialog box opens.

"Geometric search (3D)" dialog box

"Geometric search (3D)" dialog box

On the right side in the Preview section you can see the part overtaken for the geometric search.

On the left side in the History section, on the 3D files tabbed page you can perform the following actions:

  • Select any desired part in the history. -> This part is then used as reference part for the Geometric Search.

  • Load geometry

    By clicking on the button an explorer window opens. Select any file in neutral format.

    Afterwards automatically the dialog box Selection of unit opens. Determine the unit of the reference part and confirm with OK.

    -> The selected part is overtaken in the History list, is already selected and thus serves as reference part for the search.

  • Geometry from CAD

    By clicking on the button the current document (part or assembly) is overtaken in the History list, is already selected and thus serves as reference part for the search.

    The unit chosen in the document is automatically overtaken.[21] Via Change unit you can explicitly determine the unit, if needed.

  • Change unit

    By clicking on the button the Selection of unit dialog box opens. Determine the unit of the reference part and confirm with OK.

Finish the action with click on one of the following buttons:

  • Commit: The dialog box is closed.

    Start the geometric search with click on the Start search button. First you can adjust the settings in the Seamless dialog box.

  • Commit and Search: A geometric search is directly executed.

  • Cancel: The dialog box is closed without saving any changes.

[21] If for any reason this should not work, mm is assumed as default.