powered by CADENAS


Manual Launch

You can start the Catalog update in different ways:

  1. In PARTdataManager via button Update via Internet

  2. In PARTdataManager via Extras menu -> PARTupdate.

    In cases a) and b) only the category Catalog update (with the section Online is displayed in PARTadmin. See Fig. „ Welcome tabbed page“,

  3. From within the start menu via Start -> Programs -> CADENAS -> PARTsolutions -> PARTadmin environment management tool.

    In PARTadmin, select the category Catalog update -> Online.

The settings page has 3 tabs:

  • Welcome

  • Catalog update

  • Download

These tab pages are described in the following sections.

Additionally, under Section, “ PARTupdate - Notification on available catalog updates ” the short information about PARTupdate is described which an be found in the task bar.