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Manual Blocks [SummaryInformation] and [DocumentSummaryInformation]

[Note] Note

The blocks "SummaryInformation" and "DocumentSummaryInformation" exist in twofold implementation:

  • [SummaryInformation(isGerman)]

  • [SummaryInformation(isEnglish)]

  • [DocumentSummaryInformation(isGerman)]

  • [DocumentSummaryInformation(isEnglish)]

One key for the German and one key for the English Solid Edge interface.

Please not the different field descriptions, even if you are applying further keys yourself.

The settings under SummaryInformation and DocumentSummaryInformation show up in Solid Edge among others under dialog page "File properties" -> tabbed page "Info".

File properties -> Tabbed page "Info"

File properties -> Tabbed page "Info"

[Note] Note

You want to apply more or other attributes than the ones already existing i the user interface?

Information can be found under Section, “Fill more fields in Solid Edge with PARTsolutions attributes ”.

General information about applying keys can be found under Section, “Editing blocks, keys and key values”.