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Attribute mapping in Solid
Edge Fill more
fields in Solid Edge with PARTsolutions attributes
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You want, for example to fill the additional field Manager in the file properties on the Info tabbed page in Solid Edge.
From the table get the correct field name (see Section, “ Field names in Solid Edge”) and remember in which block it shows up (Manager shows up under DocumentSummaryInformation)
Under PARTadmin -> Category -> Configuration files -> $CADENAS_SETUP -> ifsolidedge.cfg open the block DocumentSummaryInformation.
Insert a key. In this example "Manager".
Enter a value. In the figure above
This simple syntax can be used for simple text output
The key name in PARTsolutions corresponds to the field description in Solid Edge. The key value is the output text in Solid Edge.
-> The Manager field is now completed.