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Manual Classify a terminal - whole procedure

For following example the Weidmüller Terminal "1267910000" is used.

In this example the attributes Connection type, Stripping length and Wire connection cross-section, solid core, max. specified in the datasheet shall be classified.

Weidmüller Terminal "1267910000"

Weidmüller Terminal "1267910000"

Weidmüller Terminal, Order-No. 1267910000 - Extract from data sheet: Conductors for clamping (rated connection)

Weidmüller Terminal, Order-No. 1267910000 - Extract from data sheet: Conductors for clamping (rated connection)

  1. Preconditions:

    • The CNS Classification provides required classes and attributes. (If needed update the CNS Classification via PARTadmin.)

      Class system CNS -> Filter Connection points -> Insertion Point -> Elektro -> Electrical Connection

      Class system CNS -> Filter Connection points -> Insertion Point -> Elektro -> Electrical Connection

      Exemplarily attribute "Connection Insulation Stripped Length"

      Exemplarily attribute "Connection Insulation Stripped Length"

    • The needed connection points are set in the part.

  2. Set Published elements:

    1. Under Edit project -> Preview, click on the context menu command Choose connection point.

      -> The same-named selection dialog is opened.

    2. Select the desired connection point and confirm with OK.

      -> Below the Preview, respective classes and attributes are loaded.

    3. Under Class name, select "Electrical Connection". (The checkbox at the beginning of line has to be activated.)

      [Note] Note

      Specify a unique name (possibly on the base of the name of connection point). This name is also displayed under Published elements in the left column and furthermore on the label in the 3D view, later also in PARTdataManager as part of the label name.

    4. Scroll through the list of attributes and enter respective values for the attributes Connection type, Stripping length and Wire connection cross-section, solid core, max., as can be seen in the data sheet.

      • Connection type: PUSH IN

      • Connection Max. Cross Section Area: 1.5

      • Connection Insulation Stripped Length: 10

    5. Save in PARTproject and update the index .

  3. Test in PARTdataManager

    The set attributes are displayed in PARTdataManager, in the 3D view and in the Part information.

    PARTdataManager: Weidmüller Terminal 1267910000

    PARTdataManager: Weidmüller Terminal 1267910000