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Manual Overview on CNS cable classification

In contrast to most of the other electrical parts for cables, a recursive definition of cable properties is sufficient.

Cables consist of the following elements, where in the CNS classification, each element complies with a certain class:

  • Cable (whole cable) (CNSELEK|8|2|1)

  • Cable bundle (CNSELEK|8|2|3)

  • Cable shield (CNSELEK|8|2|4)

  • Cable twist (CNSELEK|8|2|5)

  • Cable core (CNSELEK|8|2|2)

In the CNS classification system, cables are described on two levels, on the one side the attributes of the single elements (CNSELEK|8|2|1 to CNSELEK|8|2|5), on the other side their recursive hierarchical connection (CNSELEK|8|1).

  1. Definition of the single cable elements in linear form

    Here you can find the attributes of the whole cable and of the single cable elements such as cable bundle, cable shield, cable twist and cable cores.

    For example, a cable core has attributes such as name, diameter, cross section, etc. These are written in the typical form of the CNS classification.

    For all classes applies: The attributes Name and Identifier are mandatory (exception: the whole cable has no name attribute), furthermore the Identifier has to be unique and has to be written in the following form:


    The hash stands for a sequential number or a combination of a shortcut and a sequential number.

    With the help of the unique identifier these elements can be referenced and interpreted in hierarchical form. This is done via class CNSELEK|8|1 and its attribute CableRecursiveComposition.

    Details on the individual classes and attributes can be found under Section, “Definition of the single cable elements in linear form”.

  2. Recursive hierarchical connection of the individual cable elements (CNSELEK|8|1)

    This structure takes the single elements with their identifier and arranges them in hierarchical form.

    Details on this can be found under Section, “Recursive hierarchical connection of single cable elements”.

Example: Hierarchical connection (CNSELEK|8|1) - Attributes of the whole cable (CNSELEK|8|2|1) and attributes of the cable elements (CNSELEK|8|2|2 to CNSELEK|8|2|5)

Example: Hierarchical connection (CNSELEK|8|1) - Attributes of the whole cable (CNSELEK|8|2|1) and attributes of the cable elements (CNSELEK|8|2|2 to CNSELEK|8|2|5)