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Manual Sweep

Sweep is the transition between two sketches on parallel planes and the same number of sketch elements.

For sweeps both the function Create sweep base and Create sweep cut are available.

Create sweep base / Create sweep cut

Create sweep base / Create sweep cut

Example "Create sweep base"

In the part EN 10253 for example, the sweep function is used.

Example: EN 10253

Example: EN 10253

In the following you can see an excerpt in PARTdesigner, which exemplifies the usage.

  1. Create a circle in a base sketch.

    [Note] Note

    Do not create the circle as a whole, but rather as a quarter, which you compete to a circle by rotation. Background: In order to ensure compatibility to various CAD systems a minimum number of 4 sketch elements is required.

    Quarter circle

    Quarter circle

  2. Insert a Pattern origin.

    [Note] Note

    The pattern origin has to be on a contour.

    Pattern origin

    Pattern origin

  3. Create a parallel reference plane with the desired distance and on it a new sketch.

  4. On sketch 2, in the same way, create a circle again. (Here in the example it is smaller and shifted in relation to the first circle.)

    Sketch 2 on parallel reference plane

    Sketch 2 on parallel reference plane

  5. Set a pattern origin again.

    [Note] Note

    The pattern origin has to be on a contour.

    Second pattern origin

    Second pattern origin

  6. Mark both sketches under History and then click on Create sweep base.

    Create sweep base

    Create sweep base

    -> The dialog box History opens.

    Dialog box "History"

    Dialog box "History"

    Confirm with OK.

    -> The sweep is displayed in the 3D view.

    Sweep base

    Sweep base

Example "Create sweep cut"

For clarification above sweep is used.

  1. Precondition is that the "Sweep cut" is not the first feature. In this case an error message would appear.

    Error! First feature can not be a cut!

    Error! First feature can not be a cut!

    So at first a basic body needs to be created.

  2. Now the command Convert to cut can be used.

    Convert to cut

    Convert to cut

    Sweep cut

    Sweep cut

More notes

[Note] Note

Please also regard the chapter about the combination of Sweep and Blend!

See Section, “ Combination of Sweep and Blend”.

[Note] Note

Face attributes

As of V11 SP 4 there is the possibility to use face attributes (color and material). However, this function is not downwards compatible.

In order to use face attributes, in the context menu of Sweep, use the command Feature attributes....

Details on this can be found under Section, “ Render material - Functionality ”.