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Manual Example 2 - Transmit textual content

Textual content (used in a datasheet table) shall be transmitted from the test project to the catalog root element.

Example: In PARTtemplateDesigner, the variables "$Variable_Headline." and "$Value_Headline." have been created and so are only used by the test object determined there. However, the template shall be used by all catalog projects.

Example "Alternative table header": For the Media Variables there are HTML texts.

Example "Alternative table header": For the Media Variables there are HTML texts.

In the following the process of transmitting the template from the test project to the catalog root element is described:

  1. In PARTproject, select the tabbed page Documents.

  2. Select the desired Media Variable (here in this example "Variable_Headline").

  3. At the end of line, click on the icon for derivation hierarchy .

    -> The dialog box Properties is opened.

  4. Select the project, which you had determined in the Media editor as Test project (here in this example "bolt").

  5. Transmit the template via Apply to the whole catalog to the catalog root element.

    -> Result: The catalog root element is pink now and all children are gray, meaning the template is now available for all children projects. Details on this can be found under Section, “Dialog area "Derivation hierarchy" ”.