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9.8.4. Create template

As an intermediate step to the Assembly Table Project, save the created assembly configuration as a template.

[Note] Note

In order to avoid problems in the Assembly Table Project for all possible cases, please proceed exactly as described in the following.

  1. Initial situation: Configuration completely built up

  2. Save the configuration and make sure that none of the options under Type is activated.

    Assembly properties

    Assembly properties

  3. In the docking window Assembly, delete everything except the starter part (here in this example it is a dummy starter part).

  4. Build up the assembly again until the connection point for the dummy starter part and the first connection part become visible.

  5. Save the template exactly in this state. In the File menu, click on Save template as....

  6. In the dialog box Save Template project, fill out the input fields Project name and Short name and confirm with Ok.

    Save Template project

    Save Template project

  7. Save the configuration again. This time under Type, activate the option Append free connection points automatically.