Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
Under PARTproject QA, you are only working with SVN-managed catalogs, so that the whole process of catalog creation becomes transparent.
The release status of a catalog can only be reached, if it runs through all of the steps up to the release status 8 (release by the customer).
It is always apparent who has the editing rights. Only one person may work on a project at one time.
Corresponding symbols help get an overview to which QA-status a project/directory currently holds. From here, the respective responsibility is automatically reduced.
Further symbols make the editing status, in which the respective project/directory is currently situated, visible.
An analysis of processes can be carried out at any time - when and how long a catalog part was situated in which status level.
The control of QA State Generation and Live State Publication can be directly performed from PARTproject. Detailed Information on this is found under Section 6.10, “ Publish catalog ”.