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5.14.3. Import data / Create catalog

In PARTproject -> context menu of root directory -> Automation -> Batch import neutral formats (Quick and Simple), call the settings dialog box.

Call "Batch import neutral formats (Quick and Simple)"

Call "Batch import neutral formats (Quick and Simple)"

-> The same-named dialog box opens.

Dialog box "Batch import neutral formats (Quick and Simple)"

Dialog box "Batch import neutral formats (Quick and Simple)"

In the following the single setting options are explained:

  • Input

    • Directory: Determine the catalog source directory via browse button ....

      [Note] Note

      The name of the imported root directory determines the catalog name.

    • Structure of the CSV:

      By default, the CSV file should have been created with the following structure:

      • 1. row: Name of the table columns (Variable name)

      • 2. row: Description of the table columns

      • 3. row: Unit of the table columns

      • 4. row: Value of the table columns

        Characteristic attribute table in PARTdataManager

        Characteristic attribute table in PARTdataManager

      If the CSV file is exactly according to this scheme you do not have to perform any changes.

      If the CSV rows show another sequence then please adjust the sequence via arrow keys .

      Exemplary CSV file

      Exemplary CSV file

      Excel view of the sample CSV file

      Excel view of the sample CSV file

    • Recursive: If data shall be read from all directory levels then please activate this option.

    • End of Life: Input data is evaluated. If data does not exist anymore, "EOL" is set. The same, if an input file has been moved to another tree, then a mapping "before-after" is created. This requires availability of total input data and not a selective update.

    • Ignore errors while converting:

      If an error occurs the original STP is used. So the use of this option has not a huge effect.

      Currently errors refer to the existence of preview data.

      • Option inactive: It's an error, if there are no preview data.

      • Option active: Missing preview data are ignored.

    • File import only, no conversion:

      • Import without conversion (especially for using in PARTcommunity)

        The imported part is passed on unchanged 1:1 and in this way provided for downloading.

        Since there is no data analysis and conversion, when using in PARTsolutions, insert in the CAD/PDM has to be performed manually. A respective message is displayed that the part has been saved on the hard drive and has to be manually inserted.

      • Import with conversion (especially for using in PARTsolutions)

        During import there is a data analysis and conversion, which enables the export to CAD/PDM (if possible at all, depending on the used systems).

  • Output: Required data

    • Directory:

      The Neutral catalog is automatically created under $CADENAS_DATA/23d-libs/<catalog name>.

      [Note] Note

      Catalog name is the name of the imported source directory.

    • Author:

      [Tip] Tip

      Please enter first the license key and afterwards the author.

    • License key:

      A standard license key with "QS" as catalog name looks like this, for example:


      Corresponding entries in PARTproject are automatically set.

      PARTproject -> Edit project -> tabbed page General

      PARTproject -> Edit project -> tabbed page General

    • Part per project:

      Determine whether you want an own project for each part or multiple parts (characteristics) shall be combined in the table.

      • One part per project:

        Each project only contains one part (characteristic, meaning the table only one row).

      • All parts in one directory into one project:

        If there are several parts in the project directory then these are combined in a table with several rows.

        2 STEP files in project directory

        2 STEP files in project directory

        PARTdataManager: Characteristic attribute table with two characteristics

        PARTdataManager: Characteristic attribute table with two characteristics

    • Generate preview images (optionally)

      Select this option if there are no own preview images available. These are automatically created then. (This only applies for preview images of projects, not for preview images of directories.)

      If you use your own preview images then please regard that the option Generate preview images is deactivated.

    • Timeout in seconds.: Default 900

      Raise timeout for large parts to be converted.

      Reduce timeout if you have many small parts and the conversion takes long unexpectedly. With a too small timeout there is a disadvantage: If it is effective, possibly these parts don't get a visible 3D view in PARTdataManager. An export of the origin STEP is possible, however has further limitations then.

    • Conversion until service is restarted.: Default 50

      The number of conversions affects the process time: The smaller the value the more initialization work is done overall (at each restart). The positive: The success rate of conversion will increase Whether this really effects the success rate of conversion also depends on the input data (STP).

      If you want make sure: Set on 1. May be any values except 1 won't enhance the success rate.

    • Axis up / Axis front: Select the desired axis from the list field (X,Y,Z,-X,-Y,-Z).

      [Note] Note

      In the Architectur/BIM field or Elektrical engineeringfield parts have to be modelled differently than in the Mechanical field namely with Z axis upwards and Y axis backwards.

      With Axis up / Axis front, corrections can be performed during import. Also negative values such as "-Y" for example can be selected, meaning Y axis showing backwards.

  • Output: Optional data:

    Either define your own values by reference to variables of the CSV table or appropriate default values are automatically created.

    • No statement

      -> Default settings are used.

      • Standard number (NN)

        Default: Name of project directory is automatically used as Standard number (NN).

      • Standard text (NT)

        Default: No display of Standard title.

      • Standard name (NB)

        Default: Relative path of the input file.

        <Product group> - <Project> - <Document name>

        Catalog source directory with all directory levels

        Catalog source directory with all directory levels

      • BOM name (LINA)

        Default: Same as NB.

      • Order number: Default is empty and means that the order number will not be classified (-> no CNS Classification ORDERNO).

      • Typecode: Default is empty and means that the typecode will not be classified (-> no CNS Classification TYPECODE).

    • Specific statements

      If you use CSV files for the creation of your Quick&Simple catalog then you can use references to CSV file variables here.

      Excel view of the exemplary CSV file

      Excel view of the exemplary CSV file

      • Standard number (NN) (This field is only active, if option All parts in one directory into one project is selected.)

        You can refer to a variable of the CSV file (here exemplified $NNCUSTOM. with the value "Flange-Type1").

        The Standard number is displayed in PARTproject under -> Edit project -> Table file. See Fig. „ PARTproject -> Edit project -> Table file “.

        Furthermore the Standard number is displayed in PARTdataManager in the index tree.

        Standard number and Standard title in the index tree of PARTdataManager

        Standard number and Standard title in the index tree of PARTdataManager

      • Standard text (NT)

        You can refer to a variable of the CSV file (here exemplarily to $NTCUSTOM. with the value "Blank flange").

        The Standard title (=Standard text (NT)) is displayed in PARTproject under -> Edit project -> Table file.

        PARTproject -> Edit project -> Table file

        PARTproject -> Edit project -> Table file

        Furthermore the Standard title is displayed in PARTdataManager in the index tree.

        Display of Standard number and Standard title in PARTdataManager

        Display of Standard number and Standard title in PARTdataManager

      • Standard name (NB)

        Default: Relative path of the input file.

        You can refer to a variable of the CSV file (here exemplarily to $MATNR.).

        The Standard name is displayed in PARTproject under -> Edit project -> Table file.

        PARTproject -> Edit project -> Table file

        PARTproject -> Edit project -> Table file

      • BOM name (LINA)

        Here in the example in hand LINA also refers to $MATNR..


      • Order number: No declaration of an attribute reference ($Attribute.), but only the name of the attribute. (The aim is to classify an attribute.)

      • Typecode: No declaration of an attribute reference ($Attribute.), but only the name of the attribute. (The aim is to classify an attribute.)

    • The following features of the input CSV files are not imported into the table

      The following CSV file had been used, for example:

      Excel view of the exemplary CSV file

      Excel view of the exemplary CSV file

      With the help of this option you can prevent variables from being displayed in the characteristic attribute table:

      In the example in hand the table looks like this then:

      PARTdataManager: Certain columns (variables) hidden

      PARTdataManager: Certain columns (variables) hidden

      [Note] Note

      The variable NAME (document name) can not be hidden! Not even if no CSV files are used; it will always be displayed.

  • Start the generation by clicking on Ok.

    -> A generation log is displayed.

    Whenever parts could not be generated these are listed under Failed documents with an error description.

    The following functions are available now:

    Save log of the failed documents
    Import failed documents again
    Copy failed documents
    Move failed documents

    [Note] Note

    Some errors only appear at export time, even if the Q&S import runs fine.

    • That's why you should perform a QA check (with activated option Test geometry on CAD compatibility [a]) on the just created Q&S catalog and check occurring error/warning messages.

    • In order to verify the quality try some exports into NX, Creo and Inventor. With this different 3D cores will be tested.

    [a] Parasolid is automatically created once Testmeta is running. The analysis is done on the Parasolid output.

Open your generated Quick&Simple catalog in PARTdataManager.