Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
Lighter the pixel, deeper facet in the mesh. Invert depth for the opposite.
Pick an image, (Click on it in the Images screen), set Image parameters and Model parameters. Then refresh view to see the results. If autodownload is set, the STL will download each time you refresh.
The largest X or Y dimension of the output lithophane - X if original image wide, Y if high.
The maximum Z dimension of the output lithophane.
The thickness of the border around the edge.
This is the minumum layer thickness (for the brightest pixels in the image).
Each of the pixels in the image is translated into a number of 3D points on the surface of the lithophane, the larger this number, the more detailed the output (and the larger the STL file/slower the processing) 2 is a good value for this you can go up to 5, but it will take time and use memory.
A small stand on the base for when printing vertically. Positive number for base coming forward, negative for backward.
Number of degrees to curve the surface (for the curved forms).
Set to Positive Image, lighter areas of the original image will be thinner in the output and the thicker if set to Negative Image.
Set to Mirror Image, the image will be mirrored about the X axis (for rear viewing), otherwise the output will be in the same orientation as the original image.
Set to File Image, the image will be fliped about the Y axis, otherwise the output will be in the same orientation as the original image.
Set to Manual Refresh to only recreate the model when the 'Refresh' button is pressed, set to Automatic if you'd like the model to refresh when you select the image
Set to repeat the image in the X direction prior to creating the output.
Set to repeat the image in the Y direction prior to creating the output.
Set to alternately mirror the image when the X Repeat setting is being used.
Set to alternately flip the image when the Y Repeat setting is being used.
Set to use a binary (smaller and faster) STL file format, otherwise use ASCII where needed for compatibility with other software.
If set to Automatic, the STL file will download each time you refresh the model, if set to Manula, the download will only happen when you press the download button.
Select the form of the output model from the following types
A rectangular model with the image impressed in one face. Curve setting is ignoed
A curved rectangular model with the image impressed on the inner face. Use curve setting to set the number of degrees in the arc.
A curved rectangular model with the image impressed on the outer face. Use curve setting to set the number of degrees in the arc.
A cylindrical model with the image impressed on the curved face.
A rectangular pillow model with the image impressed on the top face
A circular dome model with the image impressed as if from above the dome
A circular dome model with the image impressed as if from the edge of the dome with the image wrapping the perimeter of the dome and the top of the image meeting in the centre
A heart shaped model with the image impressed on the curved faces