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Manual Key "STYLESHEETS" - Customer stylesheets for GUI elements

Comma separated list of custom style sheet files in $CADENAS_SETUP/styles.

Default GUI style

Under $CADENAS_SETUP/styles, the default.css file is used for the GUI style.

Adjust GUI style

The GUI style can easily be adjusted.

Under $CADENAS_SETUP/partsol.cfg -> Block [PARTdataManager] -> Key STYLESHEETS state the desired CSS file. Styles will be appended to the default style.

If just the file name and no path is given the application attempts to find the file in the "$CADENAS_SETUP/styles" directory. Have a look there for some examples.


Just as well you can specify an absolute path.

Find relevant keys in the css file

In order to ease finding relevant keys enable the following docking windows:

  • GUI Elemente Baum

  • GUI Element Eigenschaften

  • GUI Stylesheet

  1. Under $CADENAS_USER create a file named debug.cfg with the following content:


    -> Now the dockings are displayed.

  2. Click on the icon .

    -> The mouse cursor turns into a red circle.

  3. Move the cursor over a QWidget.

    -> It is marked with a red rectangle.

  4. Click on the desired QWidget.

    -> The element is marked with bold font in the docking GUI Elemente Baum.

    Now you can find the relevant key in the css file.

Try out adjustments

You can perform changes in the GUI Stylesheet docking window.

Just for example:

  1. Set a yellow background.

    QWidget {
      background: #fffaaa;

  2. Click Apply.

    -> The change is immediately displayed.

    [Hinweis] Hinweis

    The Apply action does not save changes!

    If you want to overtake changes use Save as and then copy the changes into the desired css file.