powered by CADENAS



2.1.6. Further notes

[Note] Note

Each installation of the PARTsolutions software (new and update installation) should only occur, when the network is not used productively (reference appointment), if data needs to be transferred via the network.

Depending on server software, restrictions may fall upon other users.

[Note] Note

Make sure no PARTsolutions applications are open during updates.

[Note] Note

Environment variables, Registry entries

Should entries and/or variables from older installations still be set, these must be removed in order for the language adjustment to work properly in PARTadmin.

  1. The language selection concerning the relation between PARTadmin and PARTsolutions Version 9 has been changed!

    Up to now PARTadmin always wrote on the environment variable $CADENAS_LANGUAGE.

    Now, with version 9, PARTadmin writes onto $CADENAS_USER/partsolu.cfg. ($CADENAS_LANGUAGE can, if explicitly desired, continue to be used. The priorities can be taken from the list in the following point.)

    Now due to the changeover, users without PARTsolutions admin rights (and operation system admin rights) can make language settings at the client computer.

  2. The following lists, in order of priority, components that affect the language setting:

    1. start.env (not used per default)

    2. Environment variable (not used per default)

    3. Registry entry (not used per default)

    4. $CADENAS_USER/partsolu.cfg

    5. Local operating system