powered by CADENAS


Manual Global and local specification of the settings - Privileges for Admin

[Note] Note

The usage of the PARTapplicationServer may be specified globally and locally.

First of all the file $CADENAS_SETUP/pappclient.cfg applies globally for all users.

However, in the file $CADENAS_USER/partsolu.cfg, for single clients certain keys can be overridden locally. If nothing is set, then the settings from pappclient.cfg apply.


Configuration file: $CADENAS_SETUP/pappclient.cfg:



applications=pdatamgr,pseamless (default): PARTdataManager and Seamless fetch their data from AppServer.

clientmode=remote: Connect with RemoteServer

remoteFileSystem=YES: The Remote File System shall be used, meaning the catalogs shall be fetched via AppServer.

In this case, if a normal user tries to perform a NativeCheckin, an error message is displayed:

No write access possible because the access to the catalogs is done by the AppServer. To be able to perform the check-in, you must enable the direct access to the server for this client


  1. The global configuration file defines, that PARTdataManager (thereover the interface function NativeCheckin runs) uses the PARTapplicationServer.


  2. Furthermore the Remote File System shall be used via AppServer.


So when in the local configuration file, for example at an Admin working place the key remoteFileSystem is overridden, NativeCheckin should be possible.

Configuration file: $CADENAS_USER/partsolu.cfg:


Now access to $CADENAS_DATA does not happen via AppServer, which does not have write access, anymore. Now $CADENAS_DATA can be accessed via UNC or network drive.

[Note] Note

For Admin computers, please set the environment variable $CADENAS_DATA respectively.

The DATA path via which the PARTapplicationServer accesses the catalogs, is displayed in the dialog box Server state.

Therefor, in PARTadmin -> category AppServer client, click on the button Show server state.

On the tabbed page Environment, you can find the line CADENAS_DATA.