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13.9.6.  Position pipe clip

  1. Dialog area Configurator: Open the context menu of the rule "pipe clip" (right-click).

  2. Select Properties....

  1. In the menu windows Rule properties activate the option Reverse direction .

    --> The pipe clip should look as follows:

    So that the pipe clip is correctly positioned - in other words with the base plate on the i-girder - it must still be moved half a clip part "H1/2" around base plate "S2".

  1. Dialog area Configurator: Again open the context menu of the rule "pipe clip" (right-click).

  2. Select Properties....

  1. In the Rule propertiesdialog window, right-click onTranslation .

  2. Select Choose variable... .

  1. Define the following: variable „S2“ and pipe clip „R“.

  1. To expression "R@S2", add a plus.

  1. Define: variable „H1“ and pipe clip „R“.

  1. --> After confirming with OK the pipe clip should be positioned correctly.

--> After confirming with OK, the pipe clip is now properly located on the i-girder.

This concludes the example for creating a subassembly.