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Manual  Set attribute

The option Set attribute is now active, if Extract classification number from the option Input is active.

Set attribute

Set attribute

By double-clicking on the browse button ... the Class variables dialog window opens, which was already described under "Allocating at project level".

The checkboxes at the beginning of each column are only displayed if the window above the directory tree was opened.

Using the checkboxes, you have the option to "work your way down" through directory levels and only activate the desired attributes.

[Note] Note

If a column is activated and contains no entry under Variable, Value or Reference, an attribute on a higher level will be deleted again.

Window: Class variables

Window: Class variables

After completing the entries, confirm with OK.

Once all entries are completed in the Set classification window, confirm with OK.

--> You now receive a list of the completed operations.

Window: Create standardization system

Window: Create standardization system