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Manual Level 4

Coming from level 4, the following QA levels can be set:

Set QA status

1 - Not released yet

2 - Released for editing (by customer)

3 - In progress

[Note] Note

Status 5 can not be assigned manually. It is only exclusively possibly as test project from the context menu of the directory tree!

In this stage, the Editor has the following possibilities:

  1. He sets the status back to 1, because relevant data is missing or incorrect.

  2. He sets the status back to 2, because he found additional deficiencies for example, or another editor takes over the project.

  3. He sets the status back to 3, because he found additional deficiencies for example, and wants to re-edit the project on his own.

  4. He starts the test project, because he wants to reach Status 5 for the project.

Test projects in directory Test projects in directory

Test projects in directory

[Note] Note

Any functions marked with a star (*) have to be activated for the QA 5 allocation and the maximum testing time for a line may not be set down!

After failed testing the project / directory is automatically set down to Status 3.

The description of the individual option fields can be found here: Projekt testen / Verzeichnis testen.