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Manual Matrix for attributes "Percentage Metallic" and "Roughness"

This matrix considers the use of Percentage Metallic and Roughness with different settings of part color and part material in relation to different settings of face color and face material.

Explanations on single combinations

  • no face:

    part color has no settings of Percentage Metallic and Roughness, so default values are used.

    Once part material is used, values are used from there. At that it doesn't matter, if option Mix color with color texture is set or not.

  • face color:

    Neither face color nor part color contain settings concerning Percentage Metallic and Roughness, that's why default values are used.

    Once part material is used, values from there are used. At that is doesn't matter if option Mix color with color texture is set or not.

  • face material | face color + face material | face color + face material mix:

    Once a render material has been specified via face material, it overwrites the settings concerning part.