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Manual Classify device type according to CNS classification -> IEC Code 81346_2

In order to determine purpose and function of objects setting of IEC_81346_2_CODE is mandatory for electrical parts.

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the tabbed page General, select Classification (CNS) and click on ....

    -> The dialog box "Classification" is opened.

  2. Instantiate the class CNSELEK. (=on the class Elektro, perform a double-click.)

  3. Under Class CNSELEK -> Attribute CNSIECCOD (Description IEC_81346_2_CODE), set the respective value.

    Here in this example the value is "X" (Connecting objects).

    Information on finding the correct value can be found under https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EN_81346 [German] or https://myelectrical.com/notes/entryid/24/iec-reference-designations [English].