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Manual Set links to accessory parts in PARTsolutions

[Note] Note

With upcoming V11 SP8 any classifications can be used in order to link accessory parts. Up to now links have always been on part level.

Following diagram shows how linking between Base part and accessory part works:

The Mounting Point of the base part is uniquely determined by class + instance name. This concatenated expression is used as ID when linking the path to accessory part.

The classification of the accessory part (CNSELEK|5|4) is linked with the classification of the Mounting Point (CNS_CP|4|6) by the feature CNS_ACCESSORYID.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. At the Base part, set all Mounting Points needed for the accessory parts.

  2. On each connection point, set the class Mounting Point (CNS_CP|4|6).

  3. Assign the feature Accessory ID with a unique value using following syntax:


    Dialog "Class variables" -> Class "Mounting Point" (CNS_CP|4|6) -> Feature "CNS_ACCESSORYID" here with exemplary value "CNS_CP|4|6||34"

    Dialog "Class variables" -> Class "Mounting Point" (CNS_CP|4|6) -> Feature "CNS_ACCESSORYID" here with exemplary value "CNS_CP|4|6||34"

    Dialog "Published Elements" -> Class "Mounting Point" -> Feature "Accessory ID" here with exemplary value "CNS_CP|4|6||34"

    Dialog "Published Elements" -> Class "Mounting Point" -> Feature "Accessory ID" here with exemplary value "CNS_CP|4|6||34"

  4. In PARTproject, on the tabbed page Links, under Links to parts, set an entry with Path to accessory part and Id, showing exactly the same value as feature CNS_ACCESSORYID under class Mounting Point (CNS_CP|4|6).

  5. At accessory part, fill out the essential information in CNSELEK|5|4.

    Classification of accessory part

    Classification of accessory part

    • Feature Parent classType gets the name of respective classification.

    • Feature Parent class instance gets the instance of respective classification.

    • Feature CNS_ACCESSORYID gets again the same unique identifier string as at base part and in this way is linked with the PSOL accessory path.


      One possible form of CNS_ACCESSORYID is the concatenated string of Parent class Type and Parent class Instance.

    • [Note] Note

      The manufacturer name will be automatically entered later via PSOL-Framework.