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Manual  Electrical classification import/export

With the help of the module Electrical classification import/export, you can export electrical classification data into the Excel format and then import again. This is always advantageous if a big amount of connection points shall be classified and if there are many similarities between single values. Attribute values of connection points can be copied and edited very comfortable in Excel.

Following description shows a complete procedure exemplarily.

  1. Set all required connection points; they have to be available before.

    For this, you can also use the Connection Point Wizard.

  2. Set the required classes.

    1. In PARTproject -> Edit project -> Preview, click on the context menu command Choose connection point.

      Choose connection point: Call

      Choose connection point: Call

      -> The same-named dialog box is opened.

      Choose connection point: Dialog

      Choose connection point: Dialog

    2. Choose the desired connection point and confirm with OK.

    3. Scroll down to Class name "Electrical Connection" and activate the checkbox.

      -> The point is inserted under Published elements.

      -> The attributes 3D filename and 3D identification are already filled automatically.

      Basic values automatically filled

      Basic values automatically filled

    4. Set Name and Identifier manually (same value).

      -> Now the name is displayed under Published elements in addition.

      [Note] Note

      Assigning a name will also serve for a better overview in Excel later.

      Name is set

      Name is set

    5. In the same way classify all other connection points. It does not have to be the class Electrical Connection necessarily. The connection point MP has the class Mounting Point, for example.

      -> This leads to the following result.

      Connection points classified

      Connection points classified

    6. Now manually for ONE point of each class, set all required values (here in this example for A1 [Electrical Connection]). You can either do this under Published elements or in the dialog Class variables.

      • Published elements: Select the desired element and enter values below at the desired attributes.

        Published elements: Attribute values filled

        Published elements: Attribute values filled

      • In the dialog box Class variables, you have a better overview, because you can adjust the window size and sort.

        Class variables: Attribute values filled

        Class variables: Attribute values filled

  3. Call the module Electrical classification import/export.

    Call Exporter

    Call Exporter

    -> The dialog box eclassExporter is opened (still empty).

    eclassExporter: before start

    eclassExporter: before start

  4. Click on the button Export to file....

  5. Determine an Excel file for saving the data.

    Save XLSX file path

    Save XLSX file path

    -> When clicking on Save the export is started. Once it is finished the message "Done" is displayed.

    [Note] Note

    If a project contains several 3db files data of all files will be exported.

    Export finished

    Export finished

  6. Open the Excel file determined before.

    It is recommended to use the filter functionality, so that you can always focus on the desired data. Here in this example, filters for Part Number and Classification Name "CNS_CP|4|3" have been used.

    "Part Number" filter

    "Part Number" filter

    "Classification Name" filter - here "CNS_CP|4|3" exemplarily

    "Classification Name" filter - here "CNS_CP|4|3" exemplarily

  7. Focus on the area to be edited.

    Excel columns: Only one connection point filled

    Excel columns: Only one connection point filled

    The color coding helps for orientation.

    General values regarding to export/import
    CNS: NON electrical classification values
    CNS: Electrical classification values
    Visible variable in project table

  8. For all connection points (rows), fill the attributes with values, what can easily and quickly be managed with the help of Excel functionality.

    Here in this example, every row corresponds to one connection point (what not necessarily has to be the case, also multiple are possible).

    Save the Excel file.

    Excel columns: All connection points filled

    Excel columns: All connection points filled

  9. Start the eclassExporter again and this time click on the button Import from file....

    eclassExporter: before start

    eclassExporter: before start

    After finished import the message "Done" is shown.

    eclassExporter: after finished import

    eclassExporter: after finished import

  10. Check if the data have been transferred to the other points.

    A2 for example, now also contains the described data.

    A2 for example, now also contains the described data.

Precondition to be able to use this function and for the context menu command to be displayed is that the files eClass2.cfg and eClass2.vbb exist under $CADENAS/libs/all/plugins.