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Manual  CIP catalog

In order to make catalogs available for download from the Internet, for example, these can be cipped, in other words reduced in data size. The conditions needed to be fulfilled can be entered in the CIP catalog window.

On the left side of the window you can see a Catalogs column. There you will find all previously cipped catalogs.

All checked directories are cipped by clicking on the Generate button.

CIP catalog window

CIP catalog window

Tabbed page Settings

  • Content

    You have different selection possibilities available to you in the list field.

    • Complete catalog

      The entire catalog is cipped.

    • Catalog update:

      When clicking on the Browse ... button, the Update (see fig.) window opens. Here you can set a date filter so that only files Newer than are gathered. Concerning the Archive bit active option, please contact CADENAS Support.

    • Classification

      Classifications may also be cipped.

      When cipping class systems, the settings in Project selection are insignificant.

      In this case, the CIP catalog dialog should be opened via the Extras menu and the entry should be added manually in the Catalogs area on the left. In the Classification filed, the name of the classification must be entered exactly the same as in the classsystem.cfg classification file (in other words the terms that is located in between brackets). Please make sure that upper and lower case letters are correct.

      Content: Classification

      Content: Classification

      As with catalogs, the full-textual search index may be created. To do so, activate the option Create search index.

    • Files

      For this selection only the indicated files will be transferred to the cip file.

      The files are specified in the Additional directories field (see further below).

      [Note] Note

      During file cipping, neither a geometric nor a full-textual index are created.

  • Description:

    The spelling entered here will later be displayed during the installation in PARTadmin or during installation of the DVD.

    Catalog description text

    Catalog description text

    [Note] Note

    If you do not enter a description, then the description given under Edit project -> General1 tabbed page -> Catalog name, or Name of installation will be used. The entry on the CIP catalog page has precedence.[15]

    Name of installation

    Name of installation

  • Info text:

    Field currently without function.

  • PSol-Version:

    Enter the version of the PARTsolutions installation here in which the *.cip file should later be opened. If your directory contains parts of a newer version, these must then be adjusted.

  • Directory: the directory/catalog to be cipped (marked in directory tree)

  • CIP file : Storage location of cipped directory/catalog

  • relative path : name of cipped directory/catalog

  • License file: So that the project files belonging to a catalog cannot later be opened and exported in the PARTdataManager by unauthorized persons, each individual project is linked to a license ( for example, CNS2009*Folder1*READ or CNS2009*Folder1*EXPORT). All licenses that correspond to a catalog are stored in the so-called license file (ending *.cnsldb). This *.cnsldb - you can request one from CADENAS - should then be entered into this field.

  • Catalog license: In this field the basic license (for ex. CNS2009*Folder1) should be entered. You receive the basic or catalog license along with the *.cnsldb file.

    --> Via Browse ... the License and part information window opens.

    In the License key field, enter the required catalog license.

    The licenses belonging to your installation can be seen in the list field if you click on the arrow.

    In the Unit field you can set the measurements for your projects.

    A selection of previously applied units can be seen in the list field if you click on the arrow.

    [Caution] Caution

    All entries that you make here automatically overwrite the corresponding part information that was set beforehand within PARTdesigner.

  • Additional directories :

    If the *.cip file to be created is to contain directories or files enter them here.

    Additional directories may contain individual help files for example, which you have applied within the Edit project menu -> Catalog help tab. Input via $CADENAS...\...\....

    See also under Content -> list selection field Files.

    [Note] Note

    For configuration files you may also specify that they should be merged with the existing file during installation. In this case, the specification must look like this:


    Meaning: The file classsystem_eclass.txt will be read and later installed under $CADENAS_DATA/datasetup/classsystem.cfg.

  • Transform tab files to tac files : With this option the contents of the attribute table of your project can be changed from the general read file format *.tab to the encrypted format *.tac.

  • Convert file names to lowercase : In order to avoid problems in UNIX concerning case sensitivity, this function writes all file names in lower case letters. All entries in *.prj files are adjusted accordingly.

  • Catalog is free (No check for CNS2000*MAINTENANCE) : For licensed catalogs, the so-called maintenance license is requested during the uncipping. If you do not have one, the catalog cannot be uncipped.

    [Note] Note

    For unlicensed catalogs, this option can and must be activated!

  • Crypt CIP file

    The encryption ensures against manipulation. The file contains a license key, for example.

  • Automatically adding external files

    These may be located anywhere under $CADENAS_DATA (the respective linking is located in the project file).

  • Create search index

    If you select this option, the index for the Full-text search will be created.

    If you also want to create the GeoIndex (fingerprints for the geometric search), enter values into the fields Percentage and Absolute fraction. The default entry "-1" means that no GeoIndex will be set.

    • Percentual fraction

      A high percentage value increases the calculation time for large tables.

    • Absolute fraction

      In order for small tables to have enough rows indexed, enter the absolute fraction.

    Sample calculation 1: 10 rows, Percentual fraction: 10, Absolute fraction: 3 -> 3 rows are created

    Sample calculation 2: 10 rows, Percentual fraction: 20, Absolute fraction: 1 -> 2 rows are created

    Thus the larger of the two values is always taken. The time for generation and the memory space for the fingerprints is approximately proportionate to the number of rows.

Tabbed page Test catalog (see ???)

[Note] Note

Before you can begin to make settings in the individual fields, the option Perform tests must first be activated.

[Note] Note

Empty directories are no longer automatically hidden in the index.

[15] Name of installation: This text is also translatable.