powered by CADENAS


Manual  Text

Via text attributes it is possible to pin on additional information (e.g. special characteristics of surface) at the model.  CAD text attribute on face

In order to create a CAD text attribute insert the desired text in the CAD text attribute on face field.

Surface CAD text attributes are only processed by ProE at the moment.[37]  HTML text attribute on face

In V9 now it is possible to use HTML attributes with surface attributes. At the moment[38] these are only displayed in PARTsolutions. In order to create a text attribute insert the desired text into the HTML text attribute on face field.

[Note] Note

The usage of pictures or links is possible in a restricted manner.[39]

<img src=“$CADENAS_DATA/pics/mypic.jpg“>

Face attribute with HTML - Example

Face attribute with HTML - Example Text fields in 3D view connected to variables

For the 3D view, you can define clickable text fields to part faces and connect them to variables.

Variable description text, color of the variable table column and the actual value of the variables in the 3-D view are automatically transferred to the displayed labeling field (see following figure).

Labeling fields connected to variables

Labeling fields connected to variables

When clicking on the labeling field, the table dialog of the connected variables opens.

Choose display range

Choose display range

Do the following:

  1. Prerequisites:

    Open the table in PARTdesigner!

  2. On the Face attributes page, enter the desired text into the HTML text attribute on face field.

  3. Define the connected variable.

    There are 2 variants:

    • Clickable variable (single part, configuration)

    • Clickable variable (assembly table)

    This enables you to differentiate what is to be shown in the single part/configuration mode and what is to be shown in the Assembly-Table mode.

    On the one hand they may be different variables, but on the other hand they may hide the label: If you only assign one variable for the single part but not for the Assembly-Table, then the entire label will be invisible in the Assembly-Table mode.

[37] V9.02

[38] V9.02

[39] With V9.02 the usage is only possible with absolute links.