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AmTab - Catalog (ENG)


Interior Decor Signage and Graphics

Mobile Folding Booth systems and Portable Booth Systems

Portable Booth Seating

Mobile e-z Tilt Tables

Mobile e-z- Tilt Cafe Tables

Mobile Bench Tables,

Mobile Stool Tables

Mobile Convertible Benches and Mobile Convertible Bench Systems

Buddy Bench

Cafe Tables

Heavy-Duty Waste Receptacle

Heavy-Duty Condiment Cabinets


Cafe Seating

Stackable Cafe Seating

Stackable Chairs Carts

Tall Cafe seating

Folding Chairs

Folding Chairs Carts

Mobile Buffet Tables

Folding Benches

Classroom Seating

Science Lab Tables

Science Lab Stools

Utility Tables and Art Tables - All Welded

Computer Tables and Technology Tables

Conference Tables, Training Tables

Dynalite Featherweight heavy-duty ABS Plastic folding Tables

Dynalite Featherweight heavy-duty ABS Plastic traning Tables

Folding Tables

Heavy-Duty Table Carts

Whiteboard Tables- Markerboard Tables- dry erase tables

Multi-Functional Collabrotive Activity tables

Mobile e-z Risers

Portable Stages and Risers

Riser Set

Stage Sets

Stage and Riser Accessories

Heavy-duty Stage Carts

Heavy-Duty Stage Ramps

Stage Ramps Accessories

Wheelchair accessible - managed care - feeder activity tables

Heartbeat quick ship program