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3.1.8. Error messages / warnings

The following table contains some possible error messages which may appear.

If you wish to receive an error report, use the parameter -logfile during launch.

Error message


No licence available for


You are missing a license for the Classimporter.

Error moving directory: directory name

If a directory cannot be moved/copied from a temporary directory into a release directory.

Error moving file: file name

If a file cannot be moved/copied from a temporary directory into a release directory. Possible reasons: No write access in target directory; hard drive or network problems.

Error reading file: file name

The file could not be imported. Either because it is not available or because a read error occurred. (Hard drive or network problems).

Error writing file: file name

A file could not be created. Possible reasons: No write access in target directory; hard drive or network problems.

Cannot create directory: directory name

A directory could not be created. Possible reasons: No write access in target directory; hard drive or network problems.

File not found: file name

A transfer file (TXT file from the SAP interface) was not found.

Attribute definition file: file is empty

The file attributedef.txt is empty. (A TXT file must contain at least one line: the line with the column names of the TXT file)

Column not found: column name

In File: file name

A column is missing from a transfer file (from the SAP interface)

Attribute definition file: Unknown attribute type

The attribute type for the attribute in the attributedef.txt file must either be called NUMBER or STRING.

Attribute definition file: Double entry for attribute "attribute name"

Error in file attributedef.txt. Two attributes in a class have the same number.

Added attributes to class "class name". But the class is not part of the class structure

In attributedata.txt file an attribute is assigned to a class. A class with this name however does not exist in the class structure.

Attribute without Name defined for class "class name"

An attribute in the attributedata.txt file does not have a name.

Error in value range (class "class name"; attr "attribute name") max value has to be larger then min value

Error in a value range. The upper limit must always be larger than the lower limit.

Attribute "attribute name" not found in definition file

In the file attributedata.txt a value is always assigned to an attribute. This attribute is not defined in attributedef.txt however.

No ERP_PDM_NUMBER found for material number

A material number which is used in the file attributedata.txt could not be found in the database. This means it is missing in the file erpdata.txt.

prjtab import: Class "class name" not found

In the file prjtable.txt a class is assigned a value. However, a class with this name does not exist in the class structure.

Cannot create object cnstools.psolgeomdatabase

The file proxygeomdatabase.dll was not found i the directory ../partsolutions/software/libs/x86/com.

Can't create cluster file

An error occurred while creating a cluster file for the geometrical search.

Error creating geometric sample for STL file

An error occurred while creating a comparison value for the geometrical search.

No POODIR defined in classimport.cfg

No pool directory was defined in the file classimport.cfg. The pool directory must be defined under the key NATIVEPOOLDIR.

Error in ODBC-Driver …

SQL: SQL allocation

Error while carrying out an SQL allocation.

Warning: Attribute name adapted (from Name to Name) (class: "class name")

The name of an attribute does not correspond with the PARTsolutions conventions. It was thus accordingly adjusted.