Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
The values of text attributes can be translated.[13]
For the desired language, apply a column (in this example "VALDESC_german" and "VALDESC_english") and enter the desired values for the text attributes (in this example"TextA" and "TextB").
sure that for the key "LANGUAGESFORVALUES" in the configuration
file classimport.cfg
desired languages are declared
or when opening the file "classimport.vbb", the parameter "-languagesforvalues" is set.
-mode new
-logfile c:\import\logfile.txt
-user erpuser
-pwd erpuser
–languagesforvalues german,english
the attributedef.txt
file, the value '1' must be set in the column "ATTRANSLATED" for
the desired text attributes.
-> Result in the PARTdataManager