Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
Standard supplier catalogs can contain document links. These are displayed in a green additional column (compare Section, “ Determine characteristic in "Table" view ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - User manual). Mostly documents in text, image or internet file formats are linked here.
As of V9.03 SP3 you can use this feature for catalogs, which have been created with the Classimporter.
In order for the document link column to be displayed, do the following:
In the "ATUDF" column (attribute definition) set the value 'D'. Thereby a document link column is created.
Set the text to be displayed (here in the example the term "Infotext") in the "ATBEZ_german" column (and accordingly in the languages to be translated, on this see Section, “Translatable text attributes”).
"CLASSNAME";"ATTNAM";"ATUDF";"EINHE";"ANZDZ";"ATWITHLIST";"ATWITHRANGE";"ATBEZ_german";... "c_1734842242_0";"Idx";"I";"mm";"4";"";"";"Index";"Index";"";"" "c_1734842242_0";"Doc";"D";"";"";"";"";"Infotext";"Infotext";"";"" "c_1734842242_1";"Idx";"I";"mm";"4";"";"";"Index";"Index";"";"" "c_1734842242_1";"Doc";"D";"";"";"";"";"Infotext";"Infotext";"";"" "c_1734842242_2";"Idx";"I";"mm";"4";"";"";"Index";"Index";"";"" "c_1734842242_2";"Doc";"D";"";"";"";"";"Infotext";"Infotext";"";""
Create a column "ATTRIBUTE_DOCLINK". The values are links.