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3.2.6.  Add datasets

If you want to add one (or more) datasets to a class, do the following:

  1. Open the table to which you want to add datasets.

  2. Click on Add datasets in the toolbar or in the context menu.

    --> The same-named dialog opens. Check under Name, Description and Path, whether the selection is correct.

  3. Click on .

    --> A dataset with timestamp ERP_PDM_NUMBER and attributes is shown.

    [Note] Note

    Which ERP columns are displayed in the window, depends on the following factors:

    • Setting in the configuration file classimport.cfg


    • Settings for the user role dialog (PARTadmin -> Category -> ERP environment -> Roles)

    • Local user settings (PARTdataManager -> Extras -> Preferences... -> Register page Table -> Columns to hide)

  4. Edit attribute values.

    A timestamp number is automatically created for the ERP_PDM_NUMBER. You can either take this number over or change it.

    The fields Feature value of all displayed attributes can also be edited.

  5. Finally confirm with Ok.

    -> The applied datasets are shown in the PARTdataManager.

    Result in PARTdataManager

    Result in PARTdataManager

Delete dataset

As long as you have not yet confirmed with Ok you can delete added datasets again here in this dialog.

[Note] Note

After clicking Ok the datasets must be removed via Delete dataset .

See Section 3.2.7, “ Delete datasets ” for more information.

Mark the ERP_PDM_NUMBER to delete and click on .


The window is closed without saving changes.