powered by CADENAS


Manual Modes for display of status colors

[Note] Note

In the configuration file $CADENAS_USER/partconnection.cfg -> Block [PARTconnection] -> Key erpmode, the display mode for colors and icons can be adjusted. See Section, “ partconnection.cfg ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.

  • static: shows color of parts regardless of state.

  • simple (Default):

    Selected parts do not affect the colors of other parts.

    At connection elements (projects) only the colors green and red are displayed.

    • Green: At least 1 row (property) has an ERP connection

    • Red: There is no ERP link at all

    For values no colors are displayed. In this case simply take link information from the table of parts.

  • dynamic: Show green/orange/red colors of parts and values having regard to the state.