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Manual  Part comparison

Parts can directly be transferred from the search results into the part comparison

Parts can directly be transferred from the search results into the part comparison

The most important features:

  • You can add parts directly from the search results to the part comparison. (Via Drag & Drop, buttons or context menu command)

  • There are several ways to open the Part comparison window/docking:

    • Open part comparison in "Symbol" view via context menu

      Open part comparison in "Symbol" view via context menu

    • Open part comparison in "Details" view via context menu

      Open part comparison in "Details" view via context menu

      When you move the mouse over a line some icons appear. Via , , you can open the part comparison as well.

      Start part comparison in "Details" view via button

      Start part comparison in "Details" view via button

  • The part comparison can be used as docking or single window. In order to move the window click on the title bar with pressed mouse button.

  • The compare can be performed on a textual base with various parameters (table variables, classification attributes, topological data from geometry).

  • Two parts a time can be loaded into the 2D/3D comparison. Coloring in the sectional view marks the differences, measuring grids can be displayed and show the dimensioning, and much more.

You can find detailed information on this under Section, “ Part comparison ”.