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Manual Display mode

Top right on the tabbed page Search results, you can select different display modes.

[Note] Note

In principle, every display mode can be used, independent of whether the option searching for parts or searching for parts and part families had been chosen.

However, please regard the following:

  • Search for parts

    The mode "Search for parts" especially suits for Geometric search (3D), Sketch search (2D) and Topology search.

    This mode is also important when company parts catalogs are searched, because often heterogeneous parts with completely different shapes are collected in a classification project.

    In the case of Full-text search this option makes sense, when specific table variables are used or the search is combined with a Variables search and thus the search delivers specific characteristics.

  • Search for parts and part families

    Select this mode, when you do not want to find a specific characteristic in the first step, but just want to find adequate part families.

In the following sections the different display modes are explained.