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Manual  Key "Attr_CopyFrom_01"

Possible values for the language are:

default, german,english, italian, french, spanish, portuguese, czech, slovak, hungarian, slovenian, dutch, danish, finnish, russian, japanese, korean, chinese, polish

For copying attributes the parameters var_exclude and var_visbile=1can be used.

var_visible=1 at this place tells the interface that only visible attributes have to be processed

With „var_exclude“ you can assign certain attributes to an "Ignore" list.


  • Attr_CopyFrom_01=default,var_exclude=A,var_visbile=1

    -> The variable A is explicitly set to the ignore list.

  • Attr_CopyFrom_01(isCatalog(norm))=default,var_exclude=D,var_visbile=1

    -> The expression is only applied to the standards catalog.