Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
On the basis of the following script you can conduct an automated export.
You need this especially if you cyclically activate the LinkDB.
* Datendeklaration REPORT ybs_cadenas_materialrueckgabe. TABLES: mara, makt, mard, marc, mbew. SELECT-OPTIONS: matnr FOR mara-matnr, mfrpn FOR mara-mfrpn, maktxd FOR makt-maktx, ernam FOR mara-ernam, ersda FOR mara-ersda, mstae FOR mara-mstae, lvorm FOR mara-lvorm, matkl FOR mara-matkl, zeinr FOR mara-zeinr. PARAMETERS: aend AS CHECKBOX. TYPES: BEGIN OF itab, matnr(18), a1(1), „Trennzeichen für CSV-Datei maktxd LIKE makt-maktx, a2(1), mfrpn LIKE mara-mfrpn, a3(1), wrkst LIKE mara-wrkst, a4(1), normt LIKE mara-normt, a5(1), klasse LIKE mara-normt, a6(1), maktxe LIKE makt-maktx, a8(1), lvorm LIKE mara-lvorm, a9(1), aenam LIKE mara-aenam, a10(1), laeda LIKE mara-laeda, a11(1), bismt LIKE mara-bismt, a12(1), mstae LIKE mara-mstae, END OF itab. DATA: mattab TYPE itab OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, slpdatei LIKE rcgfiletr-ftappl VALUE '/sapdb/SLP/Backup/sicherung/transfer/maradatei.txt'. if sy-sysid = 'SLE' or sysid = 'SLT'. move '/sapdb/SLE/Backup/sicherung/transfer/maradatei.txt' to slpdatei. endif.